Love for SPEED / Welcome back...

I won't change anyone's mind on this subject no matter how long I go on, but I could certainly write volumes about SPEED.  When I started listening to them (fall 2006), they were already old news but I still became a believer and to this day I'll give them tons of respect and praise because they deserve it.

If you're not experienced in the ways of SPEED go find some videos and come back later;  this'll still be here when you're done.

For those who already know them let me just say: fuck yeah, SPEED is BACK!  A new single, あしたの空, arrives November 12, 2008.

From the beginning in 1996 to their first breakup in 1999, twelve singles in a row sold over 500,000 copies each and "White Love" has come close to two million.  What more can I say?

First, they're powerful.  A savvy city manager could save money by foregoing traditional tornado sirens and just have SPEED go outside in bad weather.  Together they would yell "Seek shelter now!  Save yourself!" and anyone within a ten-mile radius would be able to hear it.

Second, they're cool.  They don't care what you think and had they not gotten popular, would still dance and sing for their own enjoyment.  And they'd do it better than you, amateur!

Third, they're all gorgeous.

Fourth, they're from the streets.  I guess.  I'm not sure what streets exactly, but apparently life at the Okinawa Actors' School is rough.  That's why SPEED has songs like "My Street Life" and lines like the one in "April", "without your love/I must go out to the streets".  Sorry, I'm not buying this, but a lot of their music has 'urban' overtones.  Can anyone tell me why?

Fifth, even if they don't care, they've got fans everywhere.  Even though they were 13 years old on average when they first performed and people probably scoffed, "what can they do?" they made everyone shut the hell up from minute one.  They both dance and sing live without waivering, and somewhere Tsunku stands in front of a chalkboard at his girl farm showing SPEED videos to all his talent and he says, "do this!  This is what we're after!"

Marketers, take note.  With their independent and strong image they are great role models for young girls (who buy their records).  With their sexy and cool image they are beyond attractive to young men (who buy their records).  Everybody loves hard beats;  sure, we all do.  And with this marriage of girl/guy worship comes sales, sales, sales, and popularity.

Two videos put the whole thing in perspective.  This video shows a record shop clerk who has no idea that the girls in his presence (Takako and Hitoe) have sold more records than his whole store contains.  Nor does he respond when they invoke the name of SPEED but I hope he's since gone home and looked them up, to his bewildered surprise.

Another video (which I'm having trouble finding) is a live performance of 'White Love' where an overexcited (presumably young female) fan cuts through the beauty of hiro's final line to scream "hiro-chan!"  As damaging as it is to the recording, it's obvious that this fan is in euphoria, and to this day, all of us wish we could have been there to scream the same thing.

Welcome back, SPEED.  Show us how it's done -- not a moment too soon.


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